Our Player Picks game provides payouts 30 minutes after the final game in your entry finishes.
The 30-minute timeframe before finalization allows time for any scoring adjustments that need to occur or in the event of a delay in receiving live statistics from our providers.
Note: stat corrections after a contest has been finalized will not impact scoring or payouts. |
Can I dispute your scoring?
OwnersBox uses stats provided by official league sources or trusted third-party providers. We will not adjust payouts based on alternative sources for scoring, including but not limited to video recordings.
What if OwnersBox uploads an incorrect score?
If an incorrect score is posted as a result of a mistake on our end, and that mistake affects payouts, we will resettle all affected lineups to reflect the correct stats.
Note: minor changes or adjustments to official stats are common in certain sports and DO NOT qualify as mistakes. All lineups will be settled according to the originally posted score, as described in the note above regarding stat corrections. |